What is field testing?

Field testing is a testing and evaluation method that involves trying an offering (e.g. product, service, system, application) in a natural usage context in order to identify shortcomings and flaws that could be experienced by end-users.

The field testing of the TOUREST digital tool is now being  conducted  by all consortium partners,  with the help of  participants who represent the real or potential users of the online monitoring tool. Participants will be either SMEs or Public Authorities who will  fill in the questionnaire which will be used to establish a structured, organised and well documented way to collect participants’ personal views on the usability of the TOUREST online tool.

The regions of the project partners  are Greece, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Moreover, the Lombardy Foundation of the Environment (Fondazione Lombardia per L’Ambiente-  FLA), who will be  working jointly with the University of Chieti, has selected the Abruzzo for the the field testing.

The questionnaire comprises a textual form of questions that will be available for participants after they have completed the testing process. Project partners are now communicating this questionnaire to SMEs and Public Authorities in the above regions so as to to get their insights and feedback on the on the usability of the TOUREST online tool.